What Is The Character Of God?

As we are striving to walk by the spirit and look more like God there is an important part that we can’t miss. Which is the Character of God. If we know the Character of God, we know what the ways and thoughts of God are. Which will lead to us showing the kingdom of God here on earth by showing the Character of God through our lives. Without Further delay let’s look into what the character of God is.

Exodus 34:6
Then the Lord passed by in front of him, and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth (faithfulness);

The 5 aspects of God’s Character:

As written in exodus 34:6 the Lord himself explained his character to moses in the following ways:

  1. Compassionate
  2. Gracious
  3. Slow to anger
  4. Love
  5. Faithfulness

We will look at each of the characteristics individually in the following sections


God is compassionate as a mother is towards her child. We are children of God and He gave humans authority to dominate the world as written in Genesis 1:27-30. The initial goal of God was to create humans in his own image and likeness. Human that look like him and have his Character that will govern the earth like how He governs. We all know the story of how sin came into the world. But God did not push us away because of our sin. Instead He had so much compassion for us that he send Jesus to die for our sin on and the cross and restore us back to him. God did all of this because he is compassionate. He sees us as his children and he met us in our weakness with Compassion.


God is gracious because He is giving us favor even though we don’t deserve it. The perfect example of this is the fact that God Send Jesus to die for us and save us from sin. God did not have to do it. He would still be God at the end of the day. But if God did not save us we would not be able to go into His kingdom. We needed to be restored back to him. He send Jesus because He is a Gracious God, not because we deserved it.

Slow to Anger

God is slow to anger because he gives us a lot of chances to repent from our sins. God is extremely patient giving us more than enough time to repent. But as much as God is slow to anger he is also a just God. When we consistenly break his commandments and continue living in sin. He will eventually judge us, if we do not repent.


God has loyal love. God is love. He loved us way before we loved him. Even though we have rejected him, he is still there for us to give us his Love. He did not love us because of anything we did for him. The reason why God loves us is because that is just who He is. His love for us is shown perfectly in the form of Jesus. It was not because of anything we did. But because God his character is love. if you take nothing else from this blog today, take atleast his Love. Because his love is connected to everything that is written here.


God is faithful. Which means He is trustworthy, reliable and stable. He is always consistent to his character. We can always put our trust in him because he always does what He says. His faithfulness means he tells and stands for truth. It has been shown throughout the bible that God always does what he say he will do. He can’t go back on his word no matter what.

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