The Armor of God (Spiritual Warfare)

Walking by the Spirit comes with a price

It would be nice to say that there will not be difficult test and trials while we are on the journey of walking by the Spirit. But the reality is that we as believers have an enemy that is willing to do everything to take us out of the path of God. I have come to realize that walking by the Spirit is closely tied to the armor of God (spiritual warfare). In this post I will give practical tips on how to protect yourself against the enemy and how to attack. Because the only language the devil understands is force (Matthew 11:12).

Belt of Truth

One of the basic characteristics that we should possess is truthfulness. This means that we should have personal integrity and moral courage to stick by the word of God no matter what. Nowadays there is a lot of information regarding what is right or wrong. But we should stick by the word of God. Some may say that we are traditional and that everything is modernized now. But one thing I know for sure is that no matter the time or transformation of the world, the word of God remains the foundation of a successful life (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Breastplate of Righteousness

Righteousness is having the right intentions in everything we do (no ulterior motives). It is possible to fool another person with our actions & words. But the Lord sees the true intentions of your heart (Proverbs 16:2). So we need to be truthful to ourself and God. And tell him whatever we are dealing with, and He will help us go through everything.

Shoes of Readiness

This means that we must be ready to share the gospel and do the work of God. Sharing the gospel can be done in numerous ways. In the day and age that we live in it is easier to share the gospel because of technology. It could be that God has been pulling on your heart to start a blog or a youtube channel, a podcast, or a book. Or it could be as simple as sharing the gospel with your family and friends that do not know Christ yet. The list can go on and on. But there are various ways that we can share the gospel. we should ask the Holy Spirit to show us the right way.

Shield of Faith

Faith is having complete trust and confidence in the Lord. One of the strategies of the devil is to get us to doubt God. Because by doubting God we may self-sabotage the plans of God in your lives. If we do not trust God, we may go our own way instead of fully trusting God’s ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9). 

Helmet of Salvation

By confessing and believing in Jesus Christ we have received salvation. The name of Jesus is the name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-11). It has the power to save us from sin and to raise us back from the death to receive eternal life. 

Sword of the Spirit

We should use the word of God to stop every attempt of the devil to deceive us. The devil is so manipulative and sly that he will even use the word of God to deceive us. When Jesus was tested in the desert the devil used this strategy. And even till the day of today, he still uses this strategy. he will bring a thought that seems right in our mind, but is against the will of God. But when the Spirit of God is within us, he convicts us through the word. What is right and what is wrong. So, we need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the truth of God’s word. 

Praying at all times in the Spirit

This is where the attacking takes place. When we pray in the spirit, we shift things in the spiritual world which will be manifested in the physical world (Matthew 18:18). Whenever we notice that things are not working out in our life, there is a high chance that we are being attacked spiritually. That is why we should consistently pray for ourselves and others so that the devil does not even get a chance to attack. Sometimes we will need to back our prayer up with fasting. But in everything we do, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. 

In Conclusion

We need to draw our strength from the Lord. Put on the full armor of God so that we can successfully stand up against the schemes, strategies, and deceits of the devil. Because we are not fighting against flesh and blood. But against rulers, powers, world forces of this darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. This is why we should put on the full armor of God. So that we can successfully resist and stand our ground in the evil day. And having done everything that the crises demands, to stand firm in our place. fully prepared, unmovable and victorious. 


My pastor said something interesting about the armor of God. He said, “there is no provision for the back in the armor of God. So that means that there is no place to give up, because if you do, you will! be defeated.” So, with this I want to encourage you to not give up and to not be afraid. Trust that God will give you the victory over all your trials and tribulations.

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