Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 "But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right-the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also." (AMP)

Seeking the kingdom means:

  • knowing the character of God through reading His word
  • Obeying the commandments of God in His word
  • Trusting that God will settle everything in His right timing

Knowing the character of God through His word

The word of God is the character/mind of God. This basically means that through reading the word of God you get to know what he thinks, what His standards and morals are and what his character is. Every kingdom has rules and regulations. And if you want to be part of that kingdom, you need to know what the rules and regulations are. After knowing the rules and regulations, you need to obey them. The same goes for the kingdom of God. You need to read the word of God and obey his commandments if you want to be part of his kingdom.

Obeying the commandments of God in His Word

Obedience means compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority. Obedience is trusting the ways of God completely. That His ways are better than your ways and not trusting on your own understanding (Isaiah 55:8-9). The result of being obedient to God is that you get to enjoy all the benefits of His kingdom. This is the law of the kingdom of God. There is no condemnation when you obey God, instead you get the chance to enjoy the blessings of the kingdom of God.

Trusting that God will settle everything in His right timing

There is a time for everything (Ecclestiastes 3:1-11). Sometimes you think you know the right timing, but it is God that decides the timing. God is all-knowing, that means he also sees our future and he can see when you will be ready for something. By trusting God’s ways and plans over your life you allow him to protect you and lead you to the right direction in His right timing. Nothing happens accidentally when you trust the Lord, but He will ordain your path according to his plans and he will protect you against the attacks of the devil, because you allowed Him to lead you.

What if I Read His word and still can’t obey his commandments?

This is where walking by the Spirit comes in. You need the Holy Spirit to help you by:

  • Prayer
  • fasting
  • Fellowship with fellow believers
  • worshipping

This will allow the Holy Spirit to work through you and give you the strength that you need to obey the word of God.

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