Living By The Fruits Of The Spirit

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Living by The Fruits of The Spirit Practically Means:

  • Spending time in presence of God
  • Having faith in The word of God
  • Obedience to the will of God

Spending Time in The Presence of God

The fruits of the spirit are not feelings. It is also not something you work hard to achieve. When you choose to spend time in the presence of God through prayer, reading the word and fasting and doing his will, you allow the Holy Spirit to give you the grace to carry the fruits of the spirit. It is the result of God’s presence within you. And it is given to you by the Holy Spirit through the grace of God. you will experience love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance as a result of spending time in the secret place with God.

Having Faith in The Word of God

By having faith you give Holy Spirit free acces to allow you to experience the fruits of the spirit. Unbelief and Doubt are killers of the fruit of the spirit. Not because God can’t give you the fruits of the spirit. But because your unbelief and doubt in the word of God and the promises he has over your life become a stumbling block for yourself. By not having faith in the word of God you also won’t trust and believe that you can experience the fruits of the spirit. And this will result in you not accepting the grace that was already given to you.

Obedience to The Will of God

The Holy Spirit will lead you through the fruits of the Spirit. That means, He will give you instructions that will show the fruits of the Spirit in your lives (the will of God). For example: the Spirit may urge you to tell three people in your life how much they mean to you. Or he may urge you to help single parents who are struggling financially to provide for their kids. This will then show the love of God within you and the character of God. all these things can be shown in various ways through your lives. But it will all be in accordance to the will of God.

The Character of God within us

In conclusion the fruits of the spirit is to show the character of God within you. If you want to live by the Spirit, you must also walk by the Spirit. Which will be seen through the fruit of the spirit within you. while you are striving to look and act more like God, you also need to seek the kingdom of God first. And protect yourself with the armor of God. By doing all these things, not only will you prosper here on earth, but also eternally with God.

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