How To Take Care Of Yourself

Self-care is an essential area of your life. If you end up neglecting your self-care, you end up neglecting every other area of your life. It may seem like just a small part of your life. But without self-care every other area of your life will end up suffering. Self-care mentally as well as physically is the practical foundation of every other area of your life. In this post we will look at The last part of the GPS system, Self-Care.

Foundation of Self Care

The foundation of self-care is healthy boundaries. in fact, Healthy boundaries does not only protect Self-care, but also purpose, and your relationship with God. Basically, The whole GPS system. One misconception that we have when someone has healthy boundaries is that the person is mean. But someone who has healthy boundaries is someone who loves himself equally as his neighbor. Why? Because firm boundaries are there to maintain healthy relationships. You can determine which relationships are healthy based on how the people in your life react when you set boundaries.

Self Care is Split into Two Parts

1. Mentally

  1. Bible Study
  2. Prayer
  3. Worship

Your mental self-care is directly connected to the time you spend in the secret place with God.

The bible says in philippians 4:6-7 ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.’

Peace within your mind and heart can only be given by God. Depression, Anxiety, Fear of abandonment, low self esteem etc. All these mental health issues can only be solved by God. Through time in bible study you use the word of God as the sword of the spirit to debunk every lie of the devil. Through prayer you tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Worship , even through the pain, will give you the presence of God That will bring the peace that surpasses all understanding. Many things can be bought, but only God can give you peace of mind.


  1. Adequate sleep
  2. Exercise
  3. Healthy meals and hydration

The foundation of your physical self-care is found in the three points given above. Ofcourse there are more areas of physical self-care that can be covered. For example, Maintenance, evironmentally etc. But the above mentioned points are the foundation for everything else. What comes above it is personalized according to your preference. Adequate sleep, exercise and healthy meals and hydration should be in the life of every person. It will not only help you to stay physically healthy, but these habits will also support you mentally as well. If these areas are not covered, everything else within physical self-care will suffer.


In conclusion to take care of yourself is not an easy task. You will have to discover yourself to successfully take care of yourself. It is also something that you will have to actively plan for or it may get neglected. Short-term it will not be a problem, but long-term negligence will cause serious damage. Make sure you are actively Taking care of yourself, cause if you don’t, no one else will.

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