How To Be Strong When You Are Weak

How many times have you felt weak before? where no matter how hard you are trying to move you can’t find the strength. Anyone that has been weak before can testify that it is not a nice state to be in. Being weak feels like hopelessness. That is why when you are weak and no one can help you, the only thing that you can do is call on God. Paul said in 2 corinthians 12:10 that he takes pleasure in his weakness, why? because when you are weak the power of Christ works perfectly. In this post I will give practical advice on how to be strong when you are weak.

His grace in our weakness

In 2 corinthians 12:8 Paul begged the Lord to remove his weakness three different times. The Lord responded in 2 corinthians 12:9: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness”, the keyword in this verse is all, meaning everything that you need, nothing else. The grace of God is the only solution in a situation where you are so weak that nothing else can help you. Praying for the grace of God is only thing you can do. The grace of God is sufficient for you.

Trusting in the Lord in our weakness

When you are so weak that you have no one else but God to help you. And you have exhausted all your other options. When you have tried things your own way and failed. This is the perfect opportunity to learn how to trust and depend only on God. Because sometimes we can be stubborn and do things our own way, instead of trusting the Lord. But the Lord can use our weakness to teach us that we should only trust and depend on him.

Humility at the end of our weakness

“When we know how useless we are without God, There is no way we can be prideful”. I have Learned that sometimes when things are always working out for us, we may mistake it to be our strength. We may think that it is our power, our words or our thoughts. The bible says in James 4:6-7 “God oposses the proud, and Lifts the humble”.

God may use your test and trials to remind you, that without Him you are nothing. He wants you to reflect his character and through real life experience see the importance of his word. The Lord does everything to make you look more like him in the process. There is someone that He wants you to become throughout every test and trial. That is why the bible says that you should be happy whenever you endure test and trials. Because in every test and trial The lord forms your character to look more like Christ.

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