How To Be Obedient to God

Obedience is easier said than done. In order to be obedient to God we need to put our will aside. Which is a very hard thing to do. We should be obedient to God not only because of His favor. But most importantly because God loves us and wants to protect us from the dangers that lie in front of us. In this post I will give practical biblical advice on how to be obedient to God.

Why Should We Be Obedient to God?

'saying, “If you will diligently listen and pay attention to the voice of the L ord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and listen to His commandments, and keep [foremost in your thoughts and actively obey] all His precepts and statutes, then I will not put on you any of the diseases which I have put on the Egyptians; for I am the L ord who heals you.” '
Exodus 15:26

'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. '
Psalms 91:1

Exodus 15:26

In this scripture it is perfectly explained what obedience to God means:

  • Listening to the word of God
  • Keeping the commandments in the word of God
  • which results in obedience
  • The consequence of disobedience leads to God not being able to protect or help you, because you are out of his will. When we are disobedient God can’t protect us against the attacks of the enemy because we are in sin. And if we don’t confess our sins and repent from our disobedience, we are going against the will of God. God can’t support anything that is against His will. “If God doesn’t protect/help us, who will?”

Psalms 91:1

Those who are obedient to God rest in His shelter. And the result of resting in the shelter of the lord will be:

  • Security: No enemy can withstand God. Because “if God is for us, who can be against us?.” We are protected, favored and blessed by God when we are obedient, Because we are doing his will. And as long as we stay in his shelter, He will continue to protect, favor and bless us.

Practical Tips on How to Be Obedient to God:

Step 1: Staying in The Presence Of God

The presence of the lord is the best place on earth. Quality prayer, worship, bible study. Everything that will be mentioned in the following steps won’t be possible without Dwelling in the presence of God. Make the presence of the Lord your home. Become very comfortable. There is so much that God wants to show you while you are in his presence. You will get peace, strength, wisdom. Fulfillment/satisfaction/contentment is inevitable in the presence of God.

Step 2: Following the Holy Spirit

Staying in the presence of God will strengthen your spirit. which will make you sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Then you can be responsive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is key to be able to do the next step. When Jesus died on the cross for us, He reconciled us back to God. And the Holy Spirit could come and live within us and lead us. Without the Holy Spirit the next step is impossible. We need to be guided by the Holy Spirit in order to be able to be obedient.

Step 3: Keeping The Commandments of God

In my post “How to live by the Love of God” I go into details what the commandments of God are. But keeping the commandments God is How we obey Him. James 1:19-26 Talks about not just listening to the word of God but also doing it. Just reading or listening to the word of God is not enough. The end goal is to do the will of God, there is no other way around it. The only way we show that we love God is by keeping his commandments which in turn shows our obedience.


When it comes to obeying God, it is important that our hearts are in the right position. Even if we keep all the commandments in the bible, without having the right intentions it won’t mean anything. Our hearts should be in the right position and our intentions needs to be pure. It shouldn’t become a chore or something we do to show others how holy we are. But obedience should be done out of love, fear and respect for the Lord. Because he has done a lot for us out of love. Not for His benefits, but for ours. The least we could do is be obedient to Him.

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