How to be A Woman That Fears The Lord

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'Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: But a woman that feareth the LORD , she shall be
praised. '
Proverbs 31:30


A woman that fears the Lord is a woman that is reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting God with awe-filled respect. Just Like scriptures state in Proverbs 1:7: ‘The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction. ‘ This verse basically tells us that a woman who fears the Lord has knowledge. Knowledge that is rooted in God. In this post we will look at practical ways to be a woman that fears the Lord.

A Woman Who Fears The Lord:

1. Obeys the Will of God

A woman that obeys the will of God shows that she loves God. Because she loves the Lord, she decides to do the will of God. She puts her will aside for the will of God, because she knows that what God has for her is way better than anything she has for herself.

Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose up again, so that we can be reconciled to God again. Through this we received undeserved favor and grace in order to be able to have the gift of everlasting life with God in heaven. Doing the will of God will be of benefit for the kingdom of God, yourself and even those around you.

2. Fulfills Her Purpose

No one is here on earth by accident. We were all called according to the purpose of God for our lives. A woman who fears the Lord discovers, refines & develops the purpose God has for her life. She makes sure that she has faith in the purpose of God for her life. And she takes action of faith in order to fulfill the purpose God has given her. She also knows that she can only fulfill her purpose through Christ who strengthens her.

When it comes to her purpose she has the self-discipline to do what has to be done, even when sometimes she may not feel like it. why? because she knows that if she claims to love herself, she has to do things that are beneficial for her. Fulfilling her purpose is one of the many things that are beneficial for her. This is what she calls self-love.

3. Takes Care of Herself Mentally, as well as Physically

Mental self-care is directly correlated to staying in the secret place with God. A woman who fears the Lord has a quiet time routine. When she engages in quality worship, Prayer and bible study, the presence of God comes down and gives peace and Joy to her. This is what makes anyone mentally healthy, the peace and Joy that God gives. The peace and joy that surpasses all understanding and cannot be given by anyone/anything else.

A woman who fears the Lord also takes care of her physical health. She knows that she needs to be physically healthy to do the will of God, fulfill her purpose and take care of herself. She makes sure she gets adequate sleep, eats healthy, drink enough water and exercises regularly. A woman that fears the Lord knows that her body is tempel and makes sure she doesn’t harm it, rather she takes care of it.

She also makes sure that she is presentable and put together. She takes care of her physical appearance because she is a representative of Christ. And she allows the Holy Spirit to lead her even in this aspect.

4. Loves Her Neighbors

A woman who fears the Lord is a woman who loves those around her. Why? Because God is love and she strives to have the character of God. She treats everyone like how she would like to be treated, because that is her identity in Christ. She is compassionate, kind and she overflows with love. It is not always easy for her, but she knows that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her. Because she desires to do the will of God she makes her mind up to always choose love.

5. Has Boundaries

Firm boundaries is how a woman that fears the Lord protects the will of God for her life, her purpose and her mental and physical self-care. Just as she loves those around her, she also loves herself equally. So she makes sure she maintains healthy relationships with those around her through her boundaries. She doesn’t ever compromise on anything that can lead her into destruction in favor of someone else. High morals and standards are part of her identity and she never loses sight of it.

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