Category: Self-care

  • How to be A Woman That Fears The Lord

    ‘Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: But a woman that feareth the LORD , she shall be praised. ‘Proverbs 31:30 Introduction A woman that fears the Lord is a woman that is reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting God with awe-filled respect. Just Like scriptures state in Proverbs 1:7: ‘The fear of the LORD…

  • How To Take Care Of Yourself

    Self-care is an essential area of your life. If you end up neglecting your self-care, you end up neglecting every other area of your life. It may seem like just a small part of your life. But without self-care every other area of your life will end up suffering. Self-care mentally as well as physically…

  • How To Prepare For Marriage

    Singleness is a state to be pursued even in marriage. Because singleness means being fulfilled within Jesus no matter what your relationship status is. But while we are navigating the single season, we also need to prepare for marriage if we believe that God has called us to be married. In this Post I will…

  • How To Set Healthy boundaries

    Boundaries is a Necessary Part of your mental self-care. Without setting boundaries, you feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or intruded upon. Poor boundary can lead to resentment, hurt, anger, and burnout. Boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. Even God has clear and consistent boundaries. In fact, the…

  • How To Pursue Singleness

    Has anyone ever given you practical advice on how to pursue singleness? You may ask yourself: “why singleness? I have no interest in being single, I need relationship advice.” Let me give you a different perspective of singleness. There is a misconception that being single means being alone. But singleness is opposite of being alone….