The Mystery of the Secret Place

'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. I will say of the Lord , “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!” 
-Psalms 91:1-2

The secret place is the shelter of God and the shelter of God is the presence of God. Life will inevitably hit us with various tests and trials. Attempting to solve these tests and trials by ourselves will only leave us exhausted and hopeless. But if we dwell in the secret place with God, we don't have to worry about anything in life. The key to peace within the storm is in dwelling in the secret place of God. In this post I will give biblical knowledge about the mystery of the secret place.

Where is the Secret Place of God?

The secret place of God is the presence of God. So, the question that comes up is “where is this secret place?” The secret place of God is not a physical space on earth. But it is the presence of God. There is no assigned place to access the secret place of God. The secret place can be accessed anywhere and in order to access it we need to know “how” to access it.

How to Access the Secret Place of God

In order to access the secret place of God (His presence) we need to engage in quality worship, prayers and bible study. In other words we need to have a quiet time routine with God. Check out my post “How to Spend Your Morning Quiet time Routine” for reference. Having a quiet time routine is the key to accessing the presence of God. Also when we go into God’s presence we need to go with a genuine heart to experience His presence.

The presence of God can’t be faked. God knows our hearts. He knows if we are genuinely in his presence because we love him or if we just want to get something from Him. When we genuinely seek the kingdom of God first without any ulterior motives every other thing will be added unto us. The key is in how we approach God when we spend time in His presence.

Benefits of Dwelling in the Secret Place of God

The key to having a peaceful life through all the storms of life is in staying in the presence of God. That’s why staying in the presence of God is priority above anything else in life. No matter where you are in life. You should never neglect spending time in the presence of God. The grace to last and stay relevant comes through the secret place. The grace to consistently stay holy without any blemish also comes through staying in the secret place with God. The presence of God has many more benefits waiting for you to access. The source is never-ending. God is waiting for you to access everything he has for you in the secret place.

The Secret Place of God & Obedience

Eden was not a physical place on earth. Adam and Eve were dwelling in the presence of God. And the moment they disobeyed God, the presence left them. Causing them to notice how naked they were. Sin came into the world because of disobedience. And the only way we show God that we love Him is through obedience. In order to consistenly keep on being obedient we have to spend time in the presence of God. Because disobedience causes the presence of God to leave us.

If the presence of God leaves us, we have nowhere else to go. We are open to the attacks of the enemy. ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ ‘But, if God is not for us, who will be?’ The presence of God is the key to eternal life. The benefits of staying in the presence of God is on this earth as well as for eternity. If there is one thing that I would recommend every single believer, is to stay in the presence of God daily as priority no matter where you are in life. Because the key to a successfull fulfilling life is staying in the secret place with God.

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