How To Navigate Your Single Season

The single season can be seen as a long and dreading season. But what if I told you that your single season can be the best season of your life. The single season can determine the direction of your life, whether good or bad. It all depends on what you choose to do in this season. Will you spend your time longing for a relationship? Will you spend your time being busy? Or will you spend your time building your relationship with Jesus? In this blog we will look into what the Bible says That we should do in our single season.

‘I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him.’

1 Corinthians 7:32

In the verse above paul is giving advice to the unmarried people, the single people. He said something profound that is the key to being content and fulfilled while single. Paul advices the single people to spend their time:

  1. Doing the Lord’s work
  2. Thinking how to please the Lord

We will looking into what it means to do these two things in the following Paragraphs:

Doing the Lords work

The Lord’s work is the purpose of God for our lives. Everyone has been given a gift in life. This gift was given for the will of God for our life. We need to pray and ask God what his purpose is for our lives. God’s purpose is within us. He has given it to us since we were in our mother’s womb. We need to spend our time developing this gift and refining it. We need to use this gift for the kingdom of God and serve it to the world. Not to showcase ourselves, but to showcase Jesus through this Gift. A person can have multiple gifts according to what the spirit gives to them. But every single gift is meant to serve the kingdom of God. There will be fulfillment within your single season, if you use your gift/purpose for the Lord.

Thinking how to please the Lord

Pleasing the Lord is loving Him. And how do we love the Lord? By obeying his commandments. 1 john 5:3 says: “Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. The interesting thing about the commandments of God is that it’s not meant to protect God. But it’s meant to protect us from evil. He created the ten commandments for us to be saved. Jesus died on the cross for our sin and reconciled us back to God. The Holy spirit could then come to help us keep the commandments of God. Because without the Holy spirit it is impossible to keep the commandments that God has set for us. It is possible to please the Lord. But only through Christ who strenghthens us. In your single season you will have the fruits of the spirit when you obey his commandments. And you will be content within your single season.


The single season is a time to get closer to God. “God is your father, Jesus is the Lover of your soul and the Holy spirit is your bestfriend.” You have all that you need within your single season. You have no idea what God has in store for you, if you could just spend your time getting closer to him and building a relationship with him. Be so close to Jesus that nothing else in this world matters more than him. Jesus is looking for you to have a relationship with you. Nobody in this world can ever Love you the way Jesus loves you. The highest type of love you can ever experience is the Love of Jesus. He literally layed his life down for you in order to love you. Pursue a relationship with Him and you will never again dread your single season.

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