The Simple Quiet Christian Life

What is the simple quiet Christian life?

In a world where there are a lot of distractions, competitiveness, pride & pressure. All you really need is the peace and joy of God. The simple quiet christian life is not running after the things of the world that will never be able to fulfill you. But it is striving after the peace and joy found within God. The peace and joy of not doing everything, but what he has called you to do. When you stop trying to prove yourself to the world and rest in the will of God, that is when you will find true fulfillment. The simple quiet christian life is when you realize that Christ is enough.

What does the simple quiet christian life consist of?

The simple quiet christian life consists of:

  • Knowing God’s character
  • Knowing God’s ways
  • Knowing God’s power

The Character of God

The character of God is found through his word. The reading of the word gives you knowledge of the character of God. When you get understanding of the character of God. The Holy Spirit then gives you the grace to be able to reflect the character of God through your lives. you should strive to look more like God through your character, because this is His will.

The ways of God

It is very important to know the ways of God in your pursuit of living the simple quiet christian life. How He behaves and the things that are consistent with his character. You need to know this to be able to discern the will of God and when the devil is trying to deceive you. You can only know the ways of God through studying his behaviour and way of doing things throughout scripture. Knowing the ways of God will remove every fear and doubt that the devil will bring up in you.

The Power of God

The power of God is an essential part in living the simple quiet christian life. Because when the devil sees that you are trying to live by the will of God, he will not leave you alone. He will attack you. And you need the power of God through Jesus christ to make the devil flee. To maintain the peace and joy found within God, you need to acces the power of God through reading scripture, prayer, fasting and fellowship with fellow believers.

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